What is a Go Bag?   Well, it is essentially everything you would need in case of an emergency, not necessarily to aid your Bronco (you’ve got a tool bag for that) but rather a compilation of items that would be needed for to make it through a couple of days and nights if you are broken down, lost, or for some reason have an onboard emergency.  We’ve spent years putting ours together and most of the items can last for a very long time, however you do need to visit your Go Bag every 4-6 months to replenish and/or throw out and replace outdated items.           

Roll of toilet paperBug sprayMatches/LighterHand Wipes/Sanitizer
PonchoBand AidsDental FlossSunscreen
Thermal BlanketWater Purifier TabletsBottled WaterFlashlight
High Protein snack(s)WhistleAntiseptic wipesAspirin/Tylenol